Song of the Abyss

Legends mentioned a tale of a song,
filled with eerie melodies sung by those
who stood accused of crimes they did not commit.
To those, the song is of hope,
that someone will stand with them
to fight for their innocence.
When women and children were falsely accused as heretics,
they called upon him as their champion:
The Abyss Knight
Will you let him fight for you?

May 23rd, 2024

"A man’s emotions are what define him,
and control is the hallmark of true strength.
To lack feeling is to be dead,
but to act on every feeling is to be a child."

Name: Damien Elerrina
Nickname: Damien, Dame, Dami, D
Race: Ishgardian Elezen (half Duskwight)
Birthdate: 9th Sun of First Astral Moon
Deity: Halone
Age: (Currently) 35
Main Class: Dark Knight
Alignment: Neutral Good
Occupation: Crime Investigator, Owner of Adagio Notturno
Sexuality: Heterosexual, Demisexual, Demiromantic
Relationship Status: Single

A man of his words, and few are his words.
Damien is a quiet, well-dressed man, with a somber demeanor when interacting with others. As a man of principles, his professional and polite manner keeps most people at arm's length, and his stolidity often made him appear serious and enigmatic—if not distant.The taciturn investigator can be found in his office, working late hours, or spending his time in the field, chasing a new lead. And once every new moon, he can be found doing volunteer work at an orphanage located by the Brume.His dedication to his job offers little opportunity for any budding romance, since any proposals from potential suitors are often brushed off or met with outright refusal.

INFJ-A (The Advocate)
Sun : Capricorn ♑︎ / Moon : Taurus ♉︎
Venus : Sagittarius ♐︎ / Ascendant : Sagittarius ♐︎

• Honesty
• Working
• Women
• Honey in his coffee
• Tactical approach & inductive reasoning
• Dark colors
• Animals, notably his horse Nightmare, his dire-wolf pup Winter
• Infidelity
• Personal questions
• Being kept in the dark and not knowing things
• People who try too hard to get his attention
• Nosy/obnoxious people
• Public indecency
• Seafood
• Cat's fur (he's allergic)
• Reading (by himself or for the children)
• Observing
• Training
• Horse riding
• Swordsmanship
• Marksmanship
• Close-quarters Combat
• Equestrianism
• Alchemy
• Culinary & Mixology (he's a bit of a coffee nerd himself)
• Music (learned piano when he was young, and is actually a good singer; for some reasons, he never perform in public)
• Right-handed, but is actually ambidextrous
• Black Magic

My sadness is not a cut for you to bandage, nor a bruise for you to kiss."Whenever I was asked what I wanted, my first impulse was to answer with 'nothing'.
The thought went through my mind that it didn't make any difference,
that nothing was going to make me happy."

As the youngest son of House Elerrina, Damien was born in a dysfunctional, but wealthy Ishgardian nobility. A bastard born out of his father's affair; an Ishgardian of Duskwight descent, with Damien's mother, his Ishgardian mistress.
Dealing with disdain from his step-mother and others who looked down on him for being a bastard on a daily basis toughen little Damien up. He strived to prove himself that he could be anything he wanted without the influence of his family nor approval from others. His sheer conviction and goal-driven actions eventually led him to the path of the Dark Knight, and Damien was more than willing to pick up the mantle and become The Abyss Knight.After losing his half-brother, Daniel, in the Dragonsong War, his father placed his late first-born’s responsibility upon his shoulders, and that included continuing the family’s legacy and expanding their importing business by marrying a noble lady from a respected house. Having little to say about the one-sided decision, Damien chose to rebel against his wish by forging a false reputation as a ‘the Wayward Elerrina bastard’—from dealings with questionable individuals, to attending social events with his accomplices disguising themselves as loose women, in his arms. In doing so, he effectively deterred many of his potential suitors.His father was none too happy with his antics, and in a fit of rage, gave him the choice to obey or to leave the family, and Damien chose the latter. Damien was eventually free from his family obligation and built everything from scratch, but that was not a difficult task for someone like him. He was twenty-four summers old and was already making his own fortune as an investigator, helping people and businesses alike. With the quality of services he provided, he made a name for himself through the connections he forged.Not many people knew who The Abyss Knight was in person, but the people he saved, aside from a few trustworthy men, they were women and children he rescued and sheltered from crimes committed against them.Through the pleas of the helpless,
the Song of the Abyss will be heard,
and you can count on The Abyss Knight to stand with you.


From the Deepest Pit of Seven Hells
Damien's secret identity as The Abyss Knight is not known to many but a very select few of people he trusts. To the public eyes, he's just known as an enigmatic and exceptionally sharp crime investigator.
The Abyss Knight—A faceless, forgotten hero, whose service was no longer needed when the thousand years-conflict ended;
His noble, selfless feats, reduced to mere myths and bed time stories.
If you look hard enough, you can find records—written and most likely hidden out of fear for being branded as heretics—by the people who survived the Dragonsong war, including the ones who were lucky enough to witness The Abyss Knight fought for their innocence and lived to tell the tale.Perhaps you heard whispers of the forgotten hero of the Falsely Accused.Perhaps you had someone in your family who was saved by him.Perhaps, he saved your life from a certain doom, and now you spend a portion of your life tracking his fleeting shadow so you can thank him in person.Perhaps... You chased any inkling of his existence to exact your revenge for taking someone important to you; be it out of anger or ignorance.Who knows?'Magic' is Believing in Yourself
Damien no longer has normal aether like other living being.
The means to travel via aetherytes is out of question.
Despite his shortcomings, he is known to the public for his exceptional display of swordsmanship, marksmanship, combat and culinary prowess.A Double-Edged Sword
Despite its similarities with the Dark Knights, whose power source stemmed from strong emotions, The Abyss Knight fuels his strength and spells by tapping directly into a realm where dynamis-charged dark emotions reign supreme. A bottomless pit of endless suffering, where hopes and dreams died: The Abyss itself.
Having access to a power that heals and regenerates severed limbs, to preventing one's soul from crossing the Death's door, makes The Abyss Knight practically immortal to a certain degree.What was it? 'With great power, comes great responsibility' ?Nay. In his case:'Great power comes with even greater consequences.'Damien does not use the power he acquired from shouldering the mantle lightly—as the price for tapping into the boundless realm of endless suffering, is paid with nothing but his own life span.No shit, Sherlock
Damien is an investigator specialized in crime.
Acting as a special agent of justice who works directly under Lord Aymeric de Borel, he often can be found working alongside Inspector Briardien de Manseauguel.
No Rest for the Wicked
That includes, but not limited to:
Criminals, slavers, rogue Dark Knights, abusers, Voidsents.
Of Sword and Shield
Damien was a former Temple Knight in service to Ishgard.
He left his post due to the rampant corruption in the system right before the Dragonsong war ended and Ishgard was eventually reformed.
(Somehow, some people still insist on calling him 'Ser').Want some Tea?
If you are in need of information, you can employ his services to investigate the matter. The enigmatic investigator has a few people he trusts with his own life as his covert agents and informants, working together with him, serving justice from the shadows.
A Man's Best Friends
Damien loves animals. His favorites are dogs and horses.
Morally Justified
Damien does not condone killing without reason.
It's Hammer Time
Damien likes collecting weapons and often tries to forge some himself. Provided he has the blueprints, that is.
His favorite weapons are swords and rifles.
A Slow Night
Damien owns a small venue: Adagio Notturno.
A tavern that serves as a front for his covert agents and informants.
[ ]The place opens its doors to agents and patrons alike
from dusk to dawn, at the darkest nights of the month.
The Eyes Never Lie
Damien avoids direct eye contact with almost everyone.
The most he would do, is holding his gaze between someone's eyes instead of staring directly into them.Thanks to his Echo, he can Soulgaze into someone's soul and see the person for who, or what they truly are, when he stares into their eyes for more than five seconds. Soulgaze bypasses and breaks any spells and charms laid on the person, while at the same time lets the user see if the person is affected or controlled by powers other than their own.However, there is a catch:Soulgaze is a two-way street — Not only the person will also sees Damien for who, or what he truly is, the parties involved will be locked in a trance, and the memory of the gaze will stay forever with the person like it just happened a few minutes ago.Once he Soulgazed with someone, he is free to look into their eyes without having to experience another Soulgaze.Soulgaze is the ultimate proof of one's sincerity.
You are what you choose to become, what you make yourself into.
It cannot be used to interrogate anyone.What Lies Beneath the Skin
Damien always wears gloves in public, due to a form of synesthesia.
He can feel other people's emotions when he directly touches them with his bare hands. Some strong emotions can also lingers or imprinted on objects, to which he can also feel by touch.Since his Echo awakened, he's almost always seen in public with his gloves on—seemingly unwilling to get his emotions influenced by unwanted external factors.What is Love?
As both Demiromantic and Demisexual, Damien does not engage in casual romance or sexual activities. His past 'reputation' might've adhere to those, but they were nothing but a ruse he set up to rebel against his father.
Please be aware that any attempt to romance or include him in any sexual activities that comes from strangers he has no strong emotional bond/connection with, will be met with outright refusal.You have been warned.

Player Age 21+Minors
Slice of Life/Fluff/Short ArcGore
Single shipMulti/Poly ship
Long-term/Short-termIC Hookups
In-game/Discord RP (Semi/Lit)Lazy One-Liners

* I'm open for pre-est, to a certain degree.
However, anything leading to that will have to be discussed before we decided to add them into the story.
Feel free to engage if you see me in game with RP tag on.
(Unfortunately, due to the nature of people around Balmung,
I no longer entertain WU/T without the tag to protect my own peace)
Name: Rin
Age: 30+
Discord: (Ask first)
Timezone: GMT+8
Language: English (non-native)